There are many times when you have a spreadsheet and are trying to :
- sort it your way,
- filter out or remove unwanted data,
- merge different pieces of data together,
- entering formula that Excel does not have,
- automate a repetitive process perhaps for large volume of data,
- create a tool for your company sales or analysis tools.
These are times when you need to turn to macros and "Boost" your Excel.
I have been assisting individuals and companies to overcome their Excel challenges, mostly informally in the last 15 years up to now. From 2013, I have extended this help as a regular contributor to a reputable and one of the largest Excel forum -> http://www.excelforum.com
In addition, I believe there is a need in the commercial market for these services and I have assembled this website to create the awareness in the market. Have a look at the type of work I have done and feel to download some tools and tips I have put together. If interested in getting help on your problem, contact me.